NBC 5: Muslim Woman Denied Ride on Greyhound Bus Because of her Clothing
CAIR-Chicago is advocating on behalf of Jacqueline Pasha, a Muslim woman who was not allowed to ride a Greyhound bus because of her face veil, or niqab. CAIR-Chicago's Communications Coordinator discusses the case with NBC's Natalie Martinez.
UPI: Family: Anti-Muslim bias at public pool
The parents were not planning to swim, only to supervise their children, the lawsuit said. They had previously been admitted when not wearing swimsuits. "A week later, I sent my sister to go to the water park," Yaqub told WLS-TV, Chicago. "My sister doesn't wear the Muslim veil on her head. She went in a running suit, or pajama. She wasn't wearing swimming trunks. The same lady that denied us entry let my sister in with no problem."
Chicago Tribune: Suits - Woman denied swim access due to Muslim dress
A Brookfield man filed two lawsuits against the Forest Preserve District of Cook County alleging that his wife was denied access to the Cermak Family Aquatic Center because she was wearing traditional Muslim dress. Mahmoud Yaqub went to the aquatic center, which has a wading area, fountains and sprinklers, with his wife and two children.
Fox News: Digging Deeper: Supreme Court Analysis
"The bench should be representative of American society, and if you look at American society there are people of different religions, races, and genders," says Christina Abraham, CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director.
Jewish-Muslim groups host one-woman theatrical performance “Unveiled” - March 7th
Join Jewish and Muslims groups for the critically acclaimed play "Unveiled" on Sunday, March 7 at the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in Evanston. This compelling one-woman show about Muslim women in a post-9/11 world beautifully interweaves the topics of racism, hate crimes, love, Islam, tea, culture, language, life, and hope. Facilitated discussions will take place afterward.
Tinley Woman Pleads Guilty for Hate Crime
A southwest suburban woman who was charged with a hate crime against another woman pled guilty Tuesday and was sentenced to probation and mandatory anger management and diversity understanding classes, according to the office of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez.