Action Alerts, Civil Rights Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad Action Alerts, Civil Rights Center, Features MyJihad MyJihad

Action Alert: Stop DuPage County from Banning Religious Institutions

DuPage County zoning officials are proposing amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which would ban any new religious institutions in residential areas.This proposal follows CAIR-Chicago’s lawsuit on behalf of Irshad Learning Center (ILC), which was denied a special use permit to conduct religious educational classes and worship services at a property previously owned by a private day care center.

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Action Alerts, Features MyJihad MyJihad Action Alerts, Features MyJihad MyJihad

Action Alert: Thank Sen. Durbin for Supporting Religious Freedoms

CAIR-Chicago, CIOGC are asking the Illinois Muslim community and all Illinois citizens to thank IL Senator Dick Durbin for taking a bold and uncompromising stance supporting the core principles of this country. Yesterday, Senator Durbin issued a statement in support of Park51, the proposed mosque in lower Manhattan. Durbin said that politicians like Palin and Gingrich who are opposed to the mosque are trying to divide the country with fear and hate.

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Action Alerts, Features MyJihad MyJihad Action Alerts, Features MyJihad MyJihad

Muslim Action Day - 1 WEEK AWAY - Sign-up!

Sign-up and Participate in Muslim Action Day!! Meet with elected officials and make your voice heard. Join Muslims from across the state, of all backgrounds and ages, for a day at our state capitol. Hear from State Senators, Representatives and other officials while having the opportunity to stand up for yourself and your community to the officials that represent you.

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Action Alerts, Features MyJihad MyJihad Action Alerts, Features MyJihad MyJihad


The President and Congress have made too many unmet promises regarding our unjust immigration system. Join CAIR-Chicago, the Mosque Foundation, ICIRR, and communities across the nation in showing our elected officials that we want a comprehensive fix to our broken and inhumane immigration system.
FREE bus rides to Washington D.C. available - You just have to come!

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Tinley Woman Pleads Guilty for Hate Crime

A southwest suburban woman who was charged with a hate crime against another woman pled guilty Tuesday and was sentenced to probation and mandatory anger management and diversity understanding classes, according to the office of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez.

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How YOU can Help Immigration Reform TODAY

Yesterday, Congressman Luis Gutierrez and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus introduced their immigration reform bill, aptly titled the "CIR ASAP Act." Its the first bill to provide a comprehensive plan, and clearly lays out many of the realistic solutions that we have been pushing for.

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Muslims frustrated by focus on religion in Fort Hood shooting

As investigators grapple with the questions following the Fort Hood shootings, they examine a possible correlation between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's religious beliefs and Thursday’s shooting spree, Chicago Muslim organizations and academics not only fear retribution, but are frustrated by a perceived public demand to apologize for or explain one individual’s maniacal acts.

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Action Alerts, Features, Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad Action Alerts, Features, Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad

ACTION ALERT: Pressure University of Chicago to Drop Olmert Speech

Olmert was prime minister during Operation Cast Lead in which Israel Defense Forces killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and wounded more than 5,300. Olmert is also responsible for implementing the siege on Gaza, now well into its third year. The siege has plunged more than 80 percent of the population into abject poverty.

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