Sun-Times: Authorities investigate online threats against Bridgeview mosque
Authorities said Thursday that they are investigating a series of online threats made this week against a Bridgeview mosque.
WGN 9: CAIR-Chicago Issues Community Alert After Threats to Mosque (Video)
CAIR-Chicago spoke with media after a south suburban mosque received violent threats on social media.
Fox 32: CAIR-Chicago Issues Community Alert After Threats to Mosque (Video)
CAIR-Chicago spoke with media after a south suburban mosque received violent threats on social media.
NBC 5: Following Threats, CAIR-Chicago Calls for Stepped-Up Security at Local Mosques
CAIR-Chicago spoke with media after a south suburban mosque received violent threats on social media.
ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago Says Threats Triggered Security Alert for Local Mosques (VIDEO)
CAIR-Chicago is working with local law enforcement and the FBI Chicago office on recent social media violent threats against a south suburban mosque.
Patheos: Charlie Hebdo, Boko Haram and Three Uncomfortable Questions
Whether purposeful or unwitting — which is quite possible by the way — our disposition to the narrative of the East/West divide, the invading hordes, the clash of civilizations is a timid yet omnipresent undercurrent in mainstream consciousness.
MuslimVillage.com: Paris Attack Condemned Across Muslim World
Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says he was not necessarily “emotionally offended” by the cartoons, but he did find them to be “in poor taste.”
Huffington Post: Who's Gunning for the Francophile Anti-Islamophobe?
I am not Charlie. I am not the terrorist either. I do not have to be Charlie to loathe the terrorists, and I do not have to resort to terrorism to register my displeasure with Charlie.
Sun-Times: Defeating ISIS, one mom at a time
Yet, whenever there’s an Islamic radical attack, those who fear Muslims anyway demand some sort of collective denouncement from them, as a body, a situation best summed up by Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations in Chicago.
NBC5 & CBS2: CAIR-Chicago Responds to Paris Attacks (Video)
CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, responds to recent attack on the French publication Charlie Hebdo. The heinous crime left 12 dead and lead to a bloody manhunt across Paris.
Executive Director Ahmed Rehab Discusses CAIR-Chicago's Outreach on NBC
After a local teen was arrested for his alleged attempt to join ISIS, CAIR-Chicago continues to support Muslim and non-Muslim communities across Chicagoland though outreach and education. Executive Director Ahmed Rehab sat down with NBC to outline the strategies being used to address the issue.
CAIR-Chicago Continues to Support Community Post ISIS Arrest
Recognizing the vital need to support communities across Chicagoland, CAIR-Chicago continues its efforts to foster dialogue and defend civil rights.
CAIR Launches Islamophobia.org
This month CAIR launched Islamophobia.org, a website dedicated to documenting and exposing groups, as well as individuals, promoting Islamophobia in the United States.
Ahmed Rehab Interviewed on WBEZ's "Worldview"
Yesterday, CAIR-Chiacgo's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, was interviewed on how Muslim communities face Islamophobic backlash for the actions of the extremist group the "Islamic State."
Ahmed Rehab Interviewed on WBEZ's "Worldview"
Yesterday, CAIR-Chiacgo's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, was interviewed on how Muslim communities face Islamophobic backlash for the actions of the extremist group the "Islamic State."
Letter to the Sun-Times Re: ISIS in Chicago
Tuesday’s headline from the Chicago Sun-Times, "ISIS in Chicago", was not only sensational but inaccurate and misleading. A more accurate headline would have been: "A Chicagoan in ISIS?" (The added question mark underscoring that it is as of yet an allegation, not a finding).