Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Dare to Not Bare: Thank you for Burqini Feature

Goering's piece on the new Australian Burqini' was an eye-opener even for an already modesty-minded Muslim woman such as myself (*a burqa is a loose outer robe that some Muslim women wear to cover their bodies or heads). A spinoff of the word burqa and bikini, it’s swimwear that allows the entire body to remain clothed.

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Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Don’t mess with others’ religions

In her April 4 column, "Ignore them, and be spared the drama," (Commentary) Kathleen Parker makes it clear that what bothers her most about the backlash to the chocolate Jesus exhibit is that it makes people in this country look a little too much like the Big Bad Muslims.

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Anti Hate Center, Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Offended by the Offensive

Apparently, Parker believes that people do not have the right to be offended by offensive material. Although I am no advocate of Donohue or the Catholic League, I do firmly believe that all sane and civilized people - be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish, atheist, or otherwise - should be respectful of the beliefs and values cherished by others.

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Upholding American Pluralism

Richard Haling's opinion "Fight Them in Iraq, Not Here." (Dec.29) is an embarrassment to American pluralism. Haling's article shows a disturbing confusion regarding the difference between Muslims and terrorists.

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Taking Islam out of Radicalism

I am disappointed that the Chicago-Tribune chose to print Victor Hanson's "Why the Rise of Radical Islam?" Hanson's commentary is characterized by selective slicing of history and simplistic suggestions for solutions to the problem of a global rise in extremism.

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The Facts are All We Need

The title of Biswajeet Banerjee's article, "Muslim clerics fighting new wave of ‘infidel' polio," initially leads readers to believe that he will delve into a discussion of the efforts to stop the serious outbreak in the Middle East of the viral disease known as polio.

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Anti Hate Center, Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Radical Conservative Actively Misguides Readers

Carol Turoff's tirade in the Conservative Voice, "Reflections on Ramadan: The Pope Must Die" (September 28th, 2006), is so severely devoid of intellectual integrity that it does not merit a formal response.However, the piece is worth analyzing as a case study of the machinations typically employed in America's thriving Islamophobic industry.

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Pope - Muhammad cartoon has it all wrong

Ok, so I have witnessed the impudent display of reductionism otherwise known as a Jack Higgins cartoon, last Wednesday. I have seen his characterization of the Prophet Muhammad as a sword-wielding, raging lunatic with a mountain of skulls at his trail. I have noted his insinuation that Islam itself inspires the violence we see on our TV screens - as opposed to, say, ignorance, poverty, repression, or radicalization.

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Pathological Islamophobe Targets American Faith Leader

While renowned bridge-builder, Dr. Maher Hathout, has been a leading advocate for tolerance and pluralism both in the United States and the Muslim-majority world, Steven Emerson has made a name for himself in the ignoble but profitable trade of rabble-rousing and hatemongering against anybody who is a somebody in Muslim leadership.

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The Flaws of Racial Profiling

While proponents of racial profiling such as Jonah Goldberg argue that racial profiling “makes sense” and therefore should be allowed into the policies of law enforcement officials, in actuality, racial profiling is inefficient in terms of security, and illegal in terms of law.

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