With freedom of speech, comes great responsibility
As much as free speech needs to be respected and upheld, it also needs to be checked on an even playing field.
Letter to the editor: Disappointment with 'Muslim rage' issue
Eager to hold media accountable and change negative media depictions of Muslims, a CAIR-Chicago volunteer wrote to Newsweek to express her disappointment with their 'Muslim rage' issue. Her letter was published.
Letter to the editor: Disappointment with 'Muslim rage' issue
Eager to hold media accountable and change negative media depictions of Muslims, a CAIR-Chicago volunteer wrote to Newsweek to express her disappointment with their 'Muslim rage' issue. Her letter was published.
How American Muslims were also victims of the horrendous attacks on 9/11
Are the portrayals of Muslim Americans by some elected officials and members of the media accurate? Are non-Muslim Americans the only victims of extremism? Should Muslim Americans be obligated to apologize for the actions of a few that distort the true meaning of the Qur’an?
“Muslim rage”: Does it really live up to its hype?
The Sep. 24 Newsweek cover image with the title “Muslim Rage” and the article associated with it by Ayaan Hirsi Ali is bigoted and stereotypical of Islam and Muslims, bringing to question Newsweek’s journalistic integrity.
Letter to the editor: Steve Huntley fumbles and loses with the issues
In reading Steve Huntley’s September 13th op-ed, “Must wage war on Islamic fanatics,” it presented some troubling issues.
The impact on American Muslims, 11 years after 9/11
Though eleven years have lapsed since the fall of the Twin Towers, American Muslims still seem to have targets on their backs.
Peter King: On the wrong side of history
Although the hysteria regarding Peter King's hearings has died down, the Rep. from New York still poses a threat to the American Muslim community.
The inequality of hate
That skewed ratio reveals the ultimate Orwellian truth in all of this: in the United States, all terrorists get equal attention, but some get more equal attention than others.
The Romney heard 'round the world
Mitt Romney's mistakes during his visits to the UK, Israel, and Poland will take their toll as Presidential elections approach.
The Romney heard 'round the world
Mitt Romney's mistakes during his visits to the UK, Israel, and Poland will take their toll as Presidential elections approach.
The media’s silence on the genocide of Rohingya Muslims
Today the media's silence repeats itself with Burma, where systemic ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya ethnic group is taking place to the yawns of an indifferent world.
Sharia law: The phantom threat
Some two dozen states have recently either passed or considered laws that would ban the use of sharia law in their court systems.
Super PACs: Changing the nature of the game
The power of super PACs have become increasingly dangerous to our political system. While this problem has died down in the media, we will see its impact between now and November.
Why we need ERPA: Racial profiling lingers amidst proof of targeting
Many see racism and stereotyping as an engrained problem with no legitimate solution, but this is just not true. We as citizens, could make huge strides towards eradicating stereotyping and its disastrous repercussions, starting with the End to Racial Profiling Act (ERPA).
Why the American Muslim community should be concerned about Zuhdi Jasser
Zuhdi Jasser claims to be a reliable representative of the American Muslim community, but a closer look tells us he is very far from it.
The new McCarthyism: Bachmann claims Muslims are "infiltrating" government
Michele Bachmann and other Republican representatives claim they have "evidence" of a "deep penetration" of U.S. government by affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The new McCarthyism: Bachmann claims Muslims are "infiltrating" government
Michele Bachmann and other Republican representatives claim they have "evidence" of a "deep penetration" of U.S. government by affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood.