CAIR-Chicago Participates in MLK Day of Service
The spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. was alive and well in Chicago this January as volunteers honored the legacy of Dr. King by acting to strengthen their local communities.
Kevin Vodak, Staff Attorney, Delivers "Know Your Rights" Presentation at Local Mosque
CAIR Chicago’s staff attorney, Kevin Vodak, led a “Know Your Rights” presentation at the Muslim Community Center (MCC) this Tuesday.
Kevin Vodak, Staff Attorney, Delivers "Know Your Rights" Presentation at Local Mosque
CAIR Chicago’s staff attorney, Kevin Vodak, led a “Know Your Rights” presentation at the Muslim Community Center (MCC) this Tuesday.
Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif Speaks at Rally for Palestine
This past Friday members of CAIR-Chicago attended a mass protest against Israel’s attacks on Gaza. Nearly 7,000 protesters participated in the rally which began with a press conference at Daley Plaza, followed by a march, and ended in front of the Israeli Consulate of Chicago.
Over 4,000 Chicago Protesters Call for Israeli Cease Fire
Despite the frigid temperature, over 4,000 gathered from across Illinois and neighboring states on Friday, January 2nd to protest the brutal killings of innocent civilians in Gaza by Israel. Protesters called for a stop to Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, the restoration of the cease-fire and the initiation of peace negotiations in the Middle East during the coming year.
CAIR-Chicago's Christina Abraham to Present on Civil Rights in the Philippines
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham is headed to the Philippines this January as a part of a delegation sponsored by the state department. The delegates were chosen for their respective expertise in methods for constructive civic engagement.
CAIR-Chicago's Christina Abraham to Present on Civil Rights in the Philippines
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham is headed to the Philippines this January as a part of a delegation sponsored by the state department. The delegates were chosen for their respective expertise in methods for constructive civic engagement.
Attorneys Kevin Vodak and Rima Kapitan Settle Two Headscarf Related Discrimination Cases
CAIR-Chicago attorneys Kevin Vodak and Rima Kapitan settled two employment discrimination cases last month involving Muslim women and their right to wear the traditional headscarf, also known as the hijab.
Special Report: CAIR-Chicago in Scotland
Last week, CAIR-Chicago Board Member Yaser Tabbara and I travelled to Glasgow to speak at the Scottish Islamic Foundation’s (SIF) annual national conference, entitled “Scottish Muslim Futures.”
CAIR-Chicago, MYLS to Join MLK National Service Day 2009
CAIR-Chicago and the Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium (MYLS) will participate in coalition with several organizations in the Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) National Day of Service 2009. Many of the organizations feature youth programs and an interreligious engagement focus within their community outreach and advocacy. Both events will coincide with the national observance of the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Monday, January 19, 2009.
CAIR-Chicago and Muslim Students Salute Newly Installed Judges of Cook County
CAIR-Chicago joined members of the greater Chicago Muslim community this week to witness the installation of 26 new Cook County Circuit Court judges. Over 60 students from Universal and Aqsa Schools of Bridgeview and MECCA attended the event.
Yale Law Students Uncover Bush Policy of Ethnic Profiling
American history is riddled with incidents of institutionalized discrimination and policies that marginalized minorities. While the federal government had come to regret such episodes, the current administration is repeating some of these mistakes.
Scottish Islamic Foundation: Belief in Action Tour with CAIR
Two senior members from the Council on American Islamic Relations will be touring Scotland in advance of their appearance at the Scottish Muslim Futures conference in Glasgow.
CAIR-Chicago Staff and Volunteers Get Out the Vote [PHOTOS]
On November 4th the CAIR-Chicago office was closed as staff members volunteered at the Mosque Foundation of Bridgeview, headquarters of the New American Democracy Project's "Get Out The Vote" (GOTV) Campaign.
New American Democracy Project Registers Over 1,200 New Voters
CAIR-Chicago, Mosque, Foundation, and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and refugee rights (ICIRR) joined forces this year to promote voter participation in the upcoming election through a fellowship program entitled the New American Democracy Project (NADP). The program has been a resounding success, managing to register over 1,200 new voters in the just the Chicago-land area.
CAIR-Chicago Sponsors 'Muslims Care' Blood Drive
For the second time this year, selfless donors from a variety of backgrounds gathered in the Loop to give their blood to people who need it during a recent American Red Cross of Greater Chicago blood drive. The drive, sponsored by CAIR-Chicago and the United Muslims Moving Ahead (UMMA) of DePaul University, was held on Thursday, October 16, 2008.
Jews and Muslims Break Bread together at “Iftar in the Synagogue”
Chicago Jews and Muslims united at the Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel Congregation in the Lakeview neighborhood on the North Side on Monday, September 22nd, for “Iftar in the Synagogue,” a special interfaith event that drew both groups together to eat, pray, learn and discuss the similarities of their faith.
CAIR-Chicago Ramadan Outreach 2008 Digest
During this blessed month, CAIR-Chicago's Ramadan Outreach program has worked to meet with various mosques and Islamic centers in the Chicagoland area and beyond.