Norwegian Terrorist Associated with Anti-Muslim Groups in the US and UK
In the wake of the abhorrent events that occurred last Friday in Norway, information has come to light revealing connections between the terrorist suspect, Anders Brehing Breivik, to the anti-Islam movement in England, as well as to prominent Islamophobes in the US.
Islamophobia in the UK: The English Defense League
Communications Intern Ben Small discusses the rise of the EDL in England and compares it with Islamophobia in the U.S.
Christina Abraham meets with South African leaders to urge support for Syria
CAIR-Chicago’s Civil Rights director, Christina Abraham, traveled to South Africa last week in order to persuade the government to condemn president Bashar al-Assad’s military assault on Syrian anti-government protesters.
Words are power. Joshua Treviño should be held accountable for pro-violence tweets
Former speechwriter for the Bush Administration Joshua Treviño tweeted to his 5,716 followers a message encouraging the IDF to shoot flotilla activists. Such careless and pro-violence remarks made by an individual who represents American leadership ought to be called into question.
Singaporean delegation visits CAIR-Chicago
CAIR-Chicago staff hosted civil leaders from Singapore for a discussion on Muslim-American issues and activism.
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Vlog #5 Ian Peterson on Racial Profiling in the US
CAIR-Chicago Intern Ian Peterson discusses racial profiling in the U.S. in the first of a series of video blogs on the issue. In his first video, Ian focuses on significant supreme court cases and government policies that have continued to erode the 14th amendment of the constitution which prohibits racial profiling in the U.S.
IL State Senator Syverson defends anti-Muslim humor
Becky Fogel, CAIR-Chicago intern, discusses State Senator Syverson's hateful sense of humor and disdain for political correctness.
Pioneering research seeks to understand American-Muslim perspective on Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago is working with Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Wesleyan University, in conducting the second phase of her research on the psychological impact of Islamophobia on Muslim Americans.
Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif Discusses Media Ethics with Journalism Students at Columbia College
CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator, Amina Sharif, along with Communications Extern Aymen Abdel Halim, visited Columbia College on July 6th to speak to Professor Rose Economou’s media ethics class on the importance of unbiased reporting in today’s media.
Enter CAIR-Chicago's Photography Contest!
Submit your photos to our photography contest, “Faces: Scenes of Muslim Life.” Submissions should highlight Muslim American identities and illustrate the diversity and uniqueness of America's Muslim community. Winning pieces will be enlarged to 30” X 40”, framed, and permanently displayed in the CAIR-Chicago office. Winners will be honored at our Taste of Ramadan reception on August 11th, 2011 where they will sign their works of art.
Civil Rights Vlog #4: Free Gaza Flotilla II
CAIR-Chicago Intern Noor Salahuddin discusses the humanitarian flotilla to Gaza that was prevented from delivering aid by Greek authorities at an Athens port. Noor dispels false claims made by Israeli officials in their attempts to delegitimize the humanitarian mission.
Can Pakistan have a successful uprising?
CAIR-Chicago intern Kinza Khan discusses whether revolutions like the recent ones in Egypt and Tunisia could occur in Pakistan, and whether the country is capable of having a successful revolution.
CAIR-Chicago Immigration Vlog #2 with Noor Salahuddin
CAIR-Chicago Communications Intern Noor Salahuddin discusses new Georgia ID laws and the impact on undocumented immigrants.
CAIR Chicago Civil Rights Vlog #3 with Tarek Khalil
Civil rights law clerk Tarek Khalil analyzes and critiques Herman Cain's "Muslim loyalty oath".
Peter King’s Radical Hearings on “Radicalization”
Government Affairs intern Ian Peterson discusses Rep. Peter King's latest congressional hearing on the "Radicalization of Muslim Americans," which focused primarily on the threat of Islamic “radicalization” within the United States prison system. Ian breaks down how King misconstrues the problem.
Controversy demands discourse, not dismissal: the case with Israel and Palestine
Across city campuses, effective discourse has taken place on socially relevant issues, pulling them out of the “taboo drawer” and placing them into the limelight. From gender equality to immigration, today’s student approach has consistently been “let’s talk about it.” And then there’s Israel and Palestine.
The GOP and the Sharia Myth
The idea that is being propagated by some conservative political leaders and media outlets is that Sharia is an imminent threat to American society. This is simply not true, and the recent legislative push to ban Sharia from th U.S. is not only a waste of time and taxpayer money, it's a fear-mongering movement that only creates divisions between Americans based on ideology.