He was fired for wanting to pray

He was fired for wanting to pray. Then CAIR-Chicago stepped in.

Watch video above.

Mohammad Hussaini was a hard-working and dedicated employee when he was suddenly fired by his manager. He later found out that he lost his job because he requested time off for Jumu'ah prayer. After hearing about the numerous success stories at CAIR-Chicago, he reached out to open a religious discrimination case.

CAIR-Chicago sprang into action. After a four-year litigation process, the CAIR-Chicago team won Mr. Hussaini his discrimination case.

Stories like Mr. Hussaini's are happening every day, where Muslim families are being discriminated against for being Muslim. CAIR-Chicago is one of the only civil rights organizations that fights discrimination with premiere legal expertise, established public relations, and a legacy of legislative advocacy. We hold bigots accountable, but we can't do it without your help.

This Ramadan, we cannot be at the Masajid where we typically raise 55% of our annual budget. We count on you at home if we are to survive this year. We need to raise $300,000. We simply cannot go on without your support. Help #keepgoingcairchi and help our doors stay open! Please Donate your Zakat/Sadaqa today!

Check out our Ramadan portal for more Ramadan goodies this month! We have a lot in store for the next few weeks!


Hate Crimes Increased, But We Fought Back


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