Press Release: CAIR-Chicago, Partners Call On State Police To 'Stop Stalling' Probe Of Officers Who Beat Teen Last Year
Photo Courtesy of ABC7Chicago
(CHICAGO, IL, 2/13/2023) - The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago), in collaboration with the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Representation (CAARPR), and the Rainbow Push Coalition today called on the Illinois State Police to complete its investigation into the three Oak Lawn Police officers who beat 17-year-old Hadi Abuatelah on July 27, 2022.
On July 29, 2022, Illinois State Police’s Zone 1 Public Integrity Task Force announced an investigation into the officer’s conduct. Since that date, no further information has been released to Abuatelah, his attorneys or the public.
SEE: CAIR-Chicago Reacts to Cook County Charge Against Oak Lawn Teen
SEE: CAIR-Chicago, Abdallah Law File Complaint Against Oak Lawn PD on Behalf of Bridgeview Minor
SEE: Updated Complaint Against Officers, Police Chief, and the Village of Oak Lawn
“We demand that Illinois State Police officials do their work and complete the investigation with swift and transparent reporting. It has lingered inexplicably long enough,” states Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago. “Do not stall the investigation. Stalling the investigation only serves to delay justice.”
Abuatelah continues to demand the Illinois State Police and Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx charge Oak Lawn Police Officers B. Collins, P. O’Donnell and B.P Carlson for his brutal beating. However, in the event the investigation ends without charges being filed, Mr. Abuatelah demands ISP to announce this decision so he can continue with his civil case. This will allow Abuatelah to assert his constitutional rights and seek justice through the civil legal system. Until a decision is made by ISP, Abuatelah is unable to move on from this horrific incident.
Based on the ongoing investigation, the Northern District of Illinois has ruled that Abuatelah’s civil lawsuit against the officers be stayed until the investigation is complete. Abuatelah has waited almost seven months for the investigation to be completed. Illinois State Police is not required to investigate cases in a certain timeframe and often do not release decisions not to charge officers in similar situations.
On July 27, 2022, Abuatelah was violently beaten by three Oak Lawn police officers after a traffic stop. He was hospitalized with severe injuries, including internal bleeding in the brain, a broken nose, a fractured pelvis, and bruises throughout his body. Abuatelah is still recovering from these injuries.
SEE: CAIR-Chicago to Address Police Brutality of 17-Year-Old Bridgeview Minor
“Mr. Abuatelah has a right to confront his abusers, and seek justice through the civil legal system,” said Emma Melton, staff attorney at CAIR-Chicago. “Until the case is concluded, Mr. Abuatelahis unable to heal.”
"We continue to ask State’s Attorney Kim Foxx to take the initiative and charge the three officers who brutally assaulted Hadi Abuatelah," said Muhammad Sankari of the Arab American Action Network. "It is clear that, by dragging their feet and stonewalling, ISP is only protecting these criminal officers from accountability."
CAIR-Chicago is the Chicago Chapter of America’s largest Muslim civil Liberties and advocacy organization. Our mission is to defend civil rights, fight bigotry, and promote tolerance.
CONTACT: CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, 202-870-0166,; CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Erin Davis, 773-802-8786,