Dep. Dir. Sufyan Sohel Speaks at GlobeMed Summit
Deputy Director Sufyan Sohel presented at the Annual GlobeMed Summit last Friday, March 27.
Dep. Dir. Sufyan Sohel Speaks at Inaugural DePaul Muslim Law Students Association
Deputy Director Sufyan Sohel spoke at the inaugural event for DePaul University’s Muslim Law Students Association on March 11.
CAIR-Chicago Reaches out to Congress on Behalf of Muslims
CAIR-Chicago’s Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson and Deputy Director, Sufyan Sohel took a trip to D.C. in an effort to make the community’s issues be heard by the Congress.
New Anti-Trespassing Law Could be Dangerous for Activists
Reflecting on a tumultuous year of Occupy movements and the Arab Spring, the U.S. government has passed not one, but two new anti-protesting laws. With the exclusion of single word - from “willingly and knowingly” to simply “knowingly” - the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act is further restricting Americans first amendment rights.
Deputy Director and Communications Coordinator Lead Activist Training at ICIRR
CAIR-Chicago's Deputy Director, Sufyan Sohel, and Communications Coordinator, Amina Sharif, lead a training seminar for new fellows in ICIRR's Unite America program.
CAIR-Chicago’s Directors Attend IQRA Fundraising Dinner
CAIR-Chicago representatives attended IQRA International Educational Foundation’s fundraising dinner at Drury Lane on Saturday, October 29 to support its educational initiatives.
Muslims Reflect on 9/11 on 10th Anniversary - A CAIR-Chicago Film
CAIR-Chicago staff members look back on the 9/11 terrorist attacks, share their stories, and explain how we as a nation can move forward after 10 years.
DePaul Class Visits CAIR-Chicago
A group of DePaul students visited CAIR-Chicago’s downtown office this past Monday to learn about the organization’s services for immigrant communities. This visit was a part of DePaul’s course, “Discover Chicago: Immigrant Youth in Chicago.”